When is Independence Day?

By S. O. K. Shillings

Nigeria flag

On October 1, 1960, the Union Jack was lowered and the green-white-green of independent Nigeria was hoisted. So, Nigeria joined some other countries as an independent nation and we have celebrated the anniversary the 64th. But how has it faired and are we truly an independent country?

The Berlin Conference in 1885 it was whence the territory of Africa was demarcated and shared among European superpowers, to wit: Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal and Germany, for exploitation denoted by one-sided trade, slavery and imposition of culture and law. By mid- 20th century, some elites in the colonial territories agitated vociferously for self-rule and the various countries were granted independence at different times.

France did not accept the agitation. It forced the francophone countries to sign a pact for continuation of colonialism before granting the pyrrhic independence, first wrecking the economies of Guinea and Mali to serve as deterrent to the others. Today the 14 francophone countries are worse off than before independence. France controls their economies including their foreign reserves and printing of their currencies. Whoever assumes government and attempts to change this will be removed in a coup detat by soldiers trained by France. She continues to exploit their mineral resources and their best citizens in a policy of assimilation that makes black men to represent them in sports. The argentines abused the French football team as an African team.

Britain is more liberal and refined. She founded the Commonwealth of Nations with its former colonies excepting the United States which has a peculiar history and has become a big son that guides the aged mother. The colonies maintain relationship with Big Mummy for stability in the skewed ocean of international politics and economy. Britain unfortunately is not a protector. It envies France but adopts diplomatic modes and tools of espionage vide blackmail, misinformation, disinformation and subterfuge. Britain has not been a friend less still a helper. The only significance of the Commonwealth is the waning glory of the Games.

Britain is more liberal and refined. She founded the Commonwealth of Nations with its former colonies excepting the United States which has a peculiar history and has become a big son that guides the aged mother. The colonies maintain relationship with Big Mummy for stability in the skewed ocean of international politics and economy. Britain unfortunately is not a protector. It envies France but adopts diplomatic modes and tools of espionage vide blackmail, misinformation, disinformation and subterfuge. Britain has not been a friend less still a helper. The only significance of the Commonwealth is the waning glory of the Games.

The election that ushered the post-independence leadership did not produce a clear winner hence the need for a coalition. Dr. Nnamidi Azikiwe’s NCNC had an arrangement with Chief Awolowo’s AG. Before it could be consumated, and while the AG delegation were waiting, Dr. Azikiwe announced a strange agreement with Mallam Balewa’s NPC to form a government and become a ceremonial President instead of the more active position of Prime Minister conceded by the AG. The foremost nationalist was roundly accused of a betrayal that impacted relationship between Eastern and Western Nigeria till date. Unknown to many, Britain actually blackmailed Dr. Azikiwe over some dealings in his bank and turned the history of our great nation from the onset.

There have been conflict of interest between Nigeria and Britain. The British Petroleum BP was confiscated by Nigeria and its name changed to National Oil. Britain did not repatriate Alhaji Umar Dikko over allegation of corruption. The Buhari/Idiagbon(God rest his soul) regime brought him to Nigeria in a diplomatic crate to answer for his misdeeds. Britain was furious and seized a Nigeria Airways plane. General Idiagbon announced the seizure of British assets in retaliation.

General Murtala Mohammad whose 6 months in office epitomised effectiveness was murdered in cold blood in a coup that Britain was fingered for complicity. The murder of Chief M. K. O. Abiola, the accountant President-elect who wanted to champion reparation, was supervised by US Secretary of State, Ms. Rice.

We have been victim of the International Monetary Fund IMF and the World Bank owned by superpowers who forced policies on us as requirement for existence. The Naira suffered continual devaluations when we have little to export as our leaders suffer from blackmail and subterfuge. The two instruments of the global shylocks have ruined the economy of the most vibrant black nation and now we suffer in the midst of plenty.

The plight of the African nations infuriated the Japanese leader in 1990 when he retorted that Africans had low intelligence quotient. Prof. Akinyemi as Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs fired back condemning the statement which was retracted for diplomacy but not in context. Perhaps we should ask the learned Professors Akinyemi and Oyovbare where they read the model of democracy we practise now which is anachronistic and jejune. It does not exist in the books or in the practice of great nations. Were they persuaded to such suggestion? And we should ask our leaders how many votes come from the Chatham House that they address at the approach of elections and what private pledges are made there?

To those who watch or read espionage especially the Ian Flemming’s James Bond series, they should know that unnatural sickness could be transmitted through a portfolio box. In a world where the brain could be manipulated to think in a determined pattern through surgery, General Buhari’s earlobe problem and the ailment of his successor that took them to British hospitals for months are suspicious. The allegation of the doubling of the person of President Buhari by a Sudanese lookalike is preposterous. But the absence of a refutal from those who should know is a pointer to a possibility that should strike us deep. After all, President Musa Yar’ Adua was brought into Nigeria as a dead man in the midnight. And we do not know the whole truth till date.

The insurgencies in northern Nigeria is not a natural occurrence. It is a means to destabilize our economy. Now, there is apparent food crisis. Our government and security apparatuses are virtually helpless. But France could easily persuade the then newly sworn-in President Tinubu to intervene in the coup detat in a francophone country.

The insurgencies in northern Nigeria is not a natural occurrence. It is a means to destabilize our economy. Now, there is apparent food crisis. Our government and security apparatuses are virtually helpless. But France could easily persuade the then newly sworn-in President Tinubu to intervene in the coup detat in a francophone country.

If you have not read Walter Rodney’s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, do not bother to read it. Those who read it never understood it.

Kenneth Kaunda said ‘Zambia must be free!’. I join my late freedom-fighter sister Onyeka Onwenu (of blessed memory) to say Nigeria must be survive!, Africa must be survive!

‘Happy’ Independence Day!

S. O. K. Shillings Esq., writes from Ikorodu

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