My Greatest Legislative Achievements Are Bills I Sponsored – Rep. Benson

Kunle Adelabu

Rep. Babaji Benson, Member, House of Representatives delivering his keynote address at the official commissioning of the Igbogbo/Bayeku Local Council Development Area (LCDA) Legislative & Administrative Complex named after the former Secretary to the Lagos State Government, Asiwaju Olorunfunmi Basorun in Igbogbo on Monday

The representative of Ikorodu Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Rep. Babajimi Benson, has stated that his greatest achievements as a legislator are the five bills that he sponsored.
He disclosed that all the five bills have been assented to and now existing laws of the federation, while also adding that he was able to make the bills because of the conducive environment provided for the Federal legislators at the National Assembly.

Rep. Benson, who is the Chairman, House Committee on Defense, made the revelation on Monday, at the official commissioning of the Igbogbo/Bayeku Local Council Development Area (LCDA) Legislative & Administrative Complex named after the former Secretary to the Lagos State Government, Asiwaju Olorunfunmi Basorun.

The three – term lawmaker said that the new legislative chamber will allow the elected council lawmakers perform very well and make laws that will impact positively on the people.

“This legislative chamber is the heartbeat of our democracy, where representatives of the people gather to debate, deliberate, and make laws that will shape our community’s future. A well-structured legislative chamber like this ensures accountability, transparency, and good governance, allowing the elected representatives effectively serve the people.

“As your representative in the Federal House of Representatives, I recognize the crucial role that a vibrant legislative chamber plays in driving development and progress. This chamber will provide a conducive environment for our councilors to be able to achieve their mandates of legislation, representation and oversight.

“The legislative building is also expected to serve as impetus for robust debates, passing resolutions, and making vital decisions that will propel the community to an enviable heights in Lagos State”.

While commending the Igbogbo/Bayeku LCDA Chairman, for placing importance on legislature, he revealed that his greatest achievements as a legislator is not the roads, medical facilities, solar lights amongst other projects that he has facilitated for his people, but the five bills that he has been able to sponsored.
“I commend Builder Olusesan Daini’s administration for prioritizing the establishment of this legislative chamber, demonstrating commitment to democratic principles. I urge you all to cherish and utilize this chamber to address the needs of our people, promote inclusivity, and foster community engagement.

“May I let you know that my greatest achievements since you gave me your mandate are not the 54 roads facilitated to Ikorodu Federal Constituency, over 8,000 home solar-powered system facilitated or the number of blocks of classrooms, among others, but the signing into law of unprecedented 5 bills I sponsored, which was made possible by a conducive legislative environment”, Rep. Benson said.

The Ikorodu federal representative also pleaded with residents to support the government’s economic reforms which he said would bring about a better country.

“On a final note, I urge you all to persevere, and support the government’s economic reforms towards a better Lagos State and Nigeria. As we celebrate this achievement, let us remember that our work is far from over. We must continue to strive for excellence in governance”, he said.

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