OPINION: Storm Over, Season Continues

President Bola Tinubu

‘Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change imperative’. The official leader of the protest, the indefatigable Ebun Adegboruwa, SAN has declared a suspension of the protest since Day 2. The message of the protest is very clear even before the physical manifestation on the streets. It is End Bad Governance Protest, 2024

The original protest produced a second tier being hoodlums, a grouping of jobless, untrained, undirected and uncatered-for segment of a misruled and troubled society. They are potential criminals of varying degrees and operations. A third segment emerged, being failed politicians and local colonialists who want power at all cost inand are ready to trade the franchise in the name of liberation as they hoist the Arewa flag in the semblance of Russian’s from the wrists of the second-tier protesters.

It has cooled down. When it gets to this stage Government never bothers for real redress. The main complaint today is hunger. What is causing the hunger? These are lack of productivity, high cost of governance, corruption, bad formula of government, waste and mismanagement all resulting in high cost of basic commodities including food … Is Government ready to address them? Getting Government to address them is the duty of the fourth columnists; social professionals especially lawyers and journalists who must bring their weapons to bear using the law, the Court and news/social media. Their failure will bring the fifth column of anarchy.

President Tinubu’s August 4 Address is revealing. Government is interpreted as philanthropy with money as the main tool. There is a clear misunderstanding of the needs of the youths of this country. All efforts cited by Mr. President are unbelievable. The youths do not need being gifted money by Government through those elitist channels. They need quality education that brings money and fulfil their purposes in life. Loans for the kind of education our system offers is just unpayable debt. I reiterate that the education system needs overhaul. Our youths want direct modern education from the polytechnics and universities and prototype youth centres. Education that teaches philosophies, real sciences, vocations, creativity, financial skills, physicals including martials, and technology. Education that brings out their talents and puts them on the global maps in the Olympics and other sporting events; and impacts their cultural identity. The kids don’t even pass JAMB again.

The President has paid his dues being in the trenches from military era to the civilian regimes. He has identified ‘mismanagement’ as the bane of past administrations but he is driving into same pit with higher speed. I am on same page with Mr. President on the removal of subsidy even if gradual. But the disbursement of the gains to the ogre governors (which has even been debunked) and signing off into unverifiable schemes is a new height of mismanagement with due respect. Anything short of capital investment of such fund especially in the oil industry is not right. Who are the beneficiaries of those disbursements for youth empowerment and business enhancement virements? Politicians and civil servants have again been led into temptations. These were the kinds of mismanagement disbursements Presidents Jonathan and Buhari did for 14 years and have been done since 1999.

Much as I have resolved on an empathy with Mr. President, the core issues that have led us here and are precipitating public angst have not been addressed. We cannot afford the 37 states structure where 7 Governors rule over an average state in the US. There is need to revert to regional government. When? The cost of governance is too high especially the emoluments of public officers in the executive and legislative arms at all levels which everybody has been complaining about since 1999. How do you ration 42 ministers when the USA has 20. When will the adopted Orasanye Report recommending merging of ministries and parastatals be implemented? Do we need a bicameral legislature with upper chamber populated by established thieves?

The system of governance where everyone chooses the leader is anachronistic. It is practiced only in Nigeria. When are we changing it? The level of corruption has only kept increasing especially with the appointment of people with baggages into public offices and some are stealing billions and trillions ‘in error’ without consequences. What is delaying Dangote and Portharcourt refineries from production? Who sold oil and denied us local use? With such vast arable land can we get or force these almajiris and area boys to farm? And how do we make practical effort towards producing our needs and not leave Indians and Lebanese to dominate our market? These are the questions begging answers beyond protest and committing billions through thieves

By Yoruba culture, an omoluabi does not make friends at 70. He makes enemies by speaking the truth, offending offenders and standing for justice without minding who is affected. President Tinubu came to office with heavy baggages of his own. He needs to forgive and purge himself and not create a new gang tending on Edun-conomics. He could choose to save those thieves with heavy hands to avoid the kind of news from Bangladesh. If 14 months does know give an indication of answering the critical questions, 8 years will not. And the hungry man’s anger will not wait indefinitely. The narrative of ‘it was damaged for 16/24 years and will take time to mend… is boring and debasing. To those whose sentiments run deeper than their reasoning, please accept my sympathy.

Adesina Ogunlana a k.a Sherubawon Aluta died a few days after his diamond jubilee. But his soul goes marching on! Adieu my Oga, my friend, my comrade!

S. O. K. Shillings Esq., writes from Ikorodu

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