Kunle Adelabu

The management of the Kith & Kin Montessori School, Ikorodu, has continued to challenge their students to be excellent in all ways.
The latest task came directly from the Chief Learning Officer of the school, Asipa Kaoli Olusanya who sponsored pupils of Grade 5 and 6 on an excursion to Labule, the newest eatery in Ikorodu, on Tuesday.
But the excursion was not all about sight – seeing and enjoying the delicious meals with drinks, but was also accompanied with tasks.

They were provided with 10 words which are to be used in writing about their experiences at Labule.
The pupil that turns in the best paper will be awarded at this year’s graduation ceremony.
“The excursion was tagged with an assignment to be done by the pupils using the underlisted keywords to write about their experience with the title LABULE, the school management stated.

“The narrative will be given to an external assessor and the best pupil will win the CLO’s award at this year’s graduation ceremony”
The key words are: Transformation, Environment, Menu, Display, Service, Change, Enjoy, Clean, Hygiene and Business.