The tough socioeconomic experiences we have gone through over the years and in recent times make it incumbent on us to be deliberate about social wellbeing and social security. We commit to placing as much focus on the wellness and thriving of the people as we will place on the real, financial economy of IBLCDA.
We therefore present O: Optimal wellness, the 3rd agenda in our 5-point Plan of Actions, for achieving far-reaching social, physical, mental, material, and general wellness in our LCDA. The actions will be delivered under the four trusts of 1. Bespoke Welfare; 2. Security & Safety; 3. Tradition & Cultural Tourism; and 4.
Primary Health & Social Care.

- Bespoke welfare interventions. We shall aggregate welfare interventions from FGN, LASG, our federal & state legislators, NGOs and the IBLCDA itself to promptly, rationally, and humanely circulate opportunities to all demographics across the LCDA. The LCDA will also implement a range of regulations, programs, and projects to encourage work-life balance for working-class residents and grant access to essential public benefits for all demographics. In particular, regular bespoke social, organizational, and financial support shall be provided to the elderly, disabled, those affected by social and natural disaster, unemployed, and on inclusive compassionate grounds all on mean-tested bases.
- Security and safety operationalisation. No efforts, resources and collaborations shall be spared to implement novel co-produced strategies and operationalise existing security structure to make our streets and towns safer, more alluring and more peaceful.
- Tradition and culture tourism offerings. Our administration shall execute initiatives that better support and propagate our culture and make our traditional festivals more attractive both within and without. We shall in all seriousness support the sanctity and maintain the referential status of our traditional institutions. Actions here will be in addition to actions on infrastructural development and maintenance.
- Primary health and social care offerings. We shall give strong priority to primary health and social care of the people through
(I) novel medical outreaches,
(II) a whole-of-society primary healthcare system, and (III) social care innovations.
Please watch out for the full plan of actions!