Asoro, NYCN Lagos East Vice Chairmanship Aspirant Gets Council Endorsement

Kunle Adelabu

Hon. Sulaimon Kazeem Olanrewaju, Chairman, Ikorodu West LCDA endorsing Comrade Asoro Abubakr (right) for the position of the Vice Chairman, NYCN Lagos East

The aspiration of the Coordinator, National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Ikorodu West Local Council Development Area (LCDA) chapter, Comrade Asoro Abubakr, to become the Lagos Senatorial East Vice Chairman of the youth body, has received a boost as the Chairman of his council, Hon. Sulaimon Kazeem Olanrewaju, FCA, FCTI, endorsed his candidature.

Hon. Sulaimon, in a statement Saturday, said that the endorsement of the youth leader is borne out of his leadership capacity and achievements in his first tenure as coordinator at the local level.

lt would be recalled that THE IMPACT, on Friday, published a report on Comrade Asoro’s achievements as the Coordinator of the NYCN in Ikorodu West LCDA.

“I, Hon. Sulaimon Kazeem Olanrenwaju, FCA-FCTI, Executive Chairman of Ikorodu West LCDA, proudly announce my endorsement of ASORO ABUBAKAR, for the position of Vice Chairman, National Youth Council, to represent us in Lagos East Senatorial District”, the council Chairman said while given his endorsement.

“This endorsement is based on Asoro Abubakar’s exceptional achievements in youth empowerment, access to grants, fight against drug abuse and his youth-centric antecedents of excellence over the years while serving as the Co-ordinator for NYCN Ikorodu West Local Branch”.

Ikorodu West LCDA Chairman also stated that Asoro has shown that he is committed to the development of youths and that he is sure that he would not derail from the vision of continuing to create opportunities and advancing their cause.

He pleaded with stakeholders to give their support to Asoro’s aspiration of emerging as the State NYCN Vice Chairman.

“Asoro Abubakar has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to the welfare and development of young people, providing access to resources, opportunities, and support. His dedication to combating drug abuse and promoting healthy lifestyles has made a significant impact on our community”, he said.

“I believe that Asoro Abubakar has the vision, and passion to continue making a positive difference in the lives of young people. His excellence in youth involvement and monumental initiatives to empowering the next generation aligns with our values and mission.

“I urge all members of our community to join us in supporting Asoro Abubakar in his bid to become the Vice Chairman and represent the Youth of Lagos East Senatorial District. Together, Let us build a brighter future for our youths”, Hon. Sulaimon pleaded.

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