Wale Jagun

It was another Good Friday, and Christians across the country marked the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Congregations in Ikorodu were not left out of the important day.
Our correspondent, who monitored the celebrations, observed Christians embarking on processions and demonstration of the Passion of Christ.
The Bishop of The African Church, Lagos West Missionary Diocese, Rt. Revd. Ezekhial Adeleke Adetoro, led the congregation of The African Church Bethel Cathedral, Aga, Ikorodu in dramatizing the suffering of Jesus on his way to crucifixion.

The special service to mark the day was held in the Cathedral Church at Aga, while the procession with a member of the Church carrying a cross was done within the Church auditorium and premises.
At the United African Methodist Church Cathedral (UAMCC), Eleja, Igbogbo, members of the Church also gathered for a special Passion Service to mark the Good Friday.
The Church youths were seen on the Street demonstrating the suffering of Jesus and young ladies dramatizing the experience of Jerusalem women during the crucifixion of Jesus.

Similar enactments were done by members of other Churches in Ikorodu.