Mariam Akinloye

The organizers of the much awaited 2nd Ikorodu Division Legislative Debate, has released the rules of engagement for candidates and the audience.
The Debate is slated for 12.30pm on Sunday, January 22, 2023, at the Ikorodu Ultra- Modern Town Hall, Olubi Street, Ikorodu.
It is being organised by the R.E.A.L Initiatives and the Concerned Ikorodu Division Youth (CIDY), with support from other organisations.
The rules signed by the organisers is reproduced below:

The Ikorodu Legislative Debate is being organized by the R.E.A. L Initiatives and the Concerned Ikorodu Division Youth Initiative (CIDY).
It is a structured debate designed to inspire interaction between the Candidates and the Electorates on topical issues affecting the Ikorodu Federal Constituency and Ikorodu Constituencies I and II.
The intention of the organizers is to encourage free discourse and engagement, and not reading from a prepared speech. This is further aimed at promoting legislative competence and informed debate.
Organizers expect candidates and the audience to strictly adhere to the rules guiding the debate.

Ground Rules:
• Candidates are to be at the venue by 12pm on Sunday, 22nd January, 2023
• Candidates shall not use any derogatory word or body shame any of the contenders.
• Candidates are allowed initial 3 minutes to introduce themselves and speak about their respective manifestoes.
• Candidates shall be allowed 90 seconds each to respond to the questions asked by the moderator.
• Candidates shall have one minute for rebuttal of claims and information presented by any of the contenders.

• Candidates should be aware that Fact-checkers are here to check every data or information argued by the contenders.
• Members of the audience are not permitted to shut down any candidate while he/she is expressing hi/her views.
• The moderator reserves the right to allow the audience, especially during the introduction, to clap or cheer their candidates.
• Candidates are encouraged to exchange pleasantries before & after the debate.

• Questions for the candidates shall be from the Chief Moderators/Anchor who is a University Don and a Co-Moderator who is a Political Analyst and a prolific communicator.
• Representatives will not be allowed to participate in the debate in place of a candidate.
• No placards, posters, stickers, or other such campaign materials should be displayed by the candidates or participants during the debate.
•Candidates will not be allowed to have access to any person during the debate other than the moderator, and, in the case of an emergency, only member (s) of the organizing committe, will be allowed to step on the stage to attend to the affected candidate.

• Candidates will not be allowed the use of phones or any device during the debate.
• Chief Moderator will determine which questions are asked, by whom, and when, during the debate.
• The moderator will enforce time limits on statements, answers, rebuttals, and responses during the debate.
• There will be a Time Keeper that will keep a record of the time and if possible, display time cards indicating the time allotted and when the time expired.

• Chief Moderator may interrupt any candidate if he feels the candidate is straying from the subject matter, being abusive, or breaching the rules of engagement in any form.
• The moderators or conveners have the power to excuse any unruly participant from the hall during the session.
• Candidates shall not interrupt one another. That is the moderator’s responsibility and discretion. It’s not the candidates’ duty to enforce this rule.
• No participant shall be allowed to aid any candidate in answering any question in any form.

• Candidates and the moderator will remain in their designated position for the duration of the debate.
2nd Ikorodu Division Legislative Debate