By S. O. K. Shillings Esq

From the inception of the 4th Republic in 1999, the leaders of thought in Ikorodu Constituency 2, had an agreement to rotate the constituency’s House of Assembly representation among the 3 major communities of Igbogbo/Bayeku, Ijede and Imota. The agreement assures Ijede and Imota that they would not be dominated by Igbogbo which has a larger population than the two others combined.
True to the agreement, Ijede took the first shot and spent two terms. Igbogbo came after through Late Hon. Shotomiwa of blessed memory. He died while in office and Hon. Gbenga Oshin completed the term vide a bye-election. The second term saw Hon. Nosimo Akinsola elected. At the end of the first term, she sought to be re-elected for a second term of her own which would be a third term for Igbogbo. Igbogbo was reminded of the agreement and the slogan of turn-by-turn rented the air. Igbogbo backed down and Hon. N. S. Solaja was elected from Imota. He is about completing his second term and is now seeking a third term.
Ijede is clamouring for its turn to represent. The main proponent of the turn-by-turn slogan is now adducing reasons to continue in office. Mainly, that it is only senior members of the House who can hold positions in the House. Whoever desires an undeserved heritage will tell weird history. Why Honourable Solaja is telling us this fact should not be a surprise. The surprise however is that some of the leaders have taken side with him.
The more unfortunate thing is that no meeting is called to revisit the arrangement or to placate Ijede or to even discuss the candidates. The new slogan is that Constituency 2 deserves to have principal office in the House which is a reasonable proposition no doubt.

I have a few issues to put across:
1. I have always maintained, and it has been scientifically supported, that universal franchise democracy opens to domination and oppression. Hon. Solaja’s third term, especially without a concensus or an effort of it is invitation to full democracy in Constituency 2. Some people will cry in the end.
2. Hon. Solaja does not deserve to complete the second term less still take a third term or principal office of the House on behalf of Constituency 2. Why:
(a) Have we heard his voice in that House? Is Hon. Solaja interested in law-making and what are his contributions to policy for 7 years?
(b) What special thing has Hon. Solaja done for his constituency and constituents other than what money can do? And for what money can do, what has he done that is special? Is it those empowerment programmes where machines are bought for those who sell them immediately or the mineral drinks that makes it look like the ceremony of a village philanthropist?

(c) In February, 2021 when the Board of the Primary Education was constituted without an Ikorodu person, Ikorodu protested. A gathering was organised at the Ikorodu town hall to articulate the position. Hon. Solaja attended with fury to tell us that we did not understand politics. That the state was right. What has been his position in such matters to be so bold to rub it on our faces that he has taken sides with our colonisers?
(d) Principal office of the House empowers and enriches the holder. Money, Hon. Solaja does not spend. Empowerment he does not do. If we want more money for one of us, no problem. But it does no benefit for the constituents with Hon. Solaja.
(e) Hon. Solaja has a petrol station along Ebute Ajebo Road. The entire land is under threat from the State. The HMHA LAHA is not interested. Afterall, he can clear his own.
3. Talking about principal office. Ikorodu Division has actually cheapened itself struggling for crumbs. House of Assembly principal office my foot. Epe had a sitting Speaker who was useless to them. They rejected him. The party was not hearkening to their yearnings, they dumped it. With a little population, they have been more things than us. The community is well developed at least far relatively to Ikorodu. Take a look at Igbogbo-Bayeku road and tell me the relevance of a House principal officer in the mode of an Hon. Solaja. We cannot continue to grope in the dark and be celebrating mediocrity.

4. If the election holds without a discussion, Ijede would have been insulted. There will definitely be an effect, the mode of which I cannot predict.
I urge leaders to take a second look at the scenario before creating a bad history. And the delegates to appreciate the enormity of the task on their shoulders.
S. O. K. Shillings Esq, writes from Ikorodu.