Kunle Adelabu
-30 to resume job April 1.

Within a week of the opening of its Employment Data Bank, the Ikorodu – Oga Development Association (IKODASS) is set to provide jobs for 30 residents.
The first set of applicants on the data bank were called for interview on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at the RHODAS Centre, Abiodun Ogunleye Street, Solomade, Ikorodu.
IKODASS is partnering with S Lloyd Recruiting and Training Consultant, in selecting and training applicants that are qualified for the 30 available positions in a reputable manufacturing firm in Ikorodu.
THE IMPACT gathered that the employment opportunities were given to RHODAS Youth Centre which Chairman is Mr Rotimi Erogbogbo who, incidentally, is also the IKODASS Chairman, thus, the consideration for the applicants on the social – cultural and developmental organization data bank.
Mr Olumide Adegbesan, the representative of the recruiting and training firm and Mr Austin Awulonu, the Chief of Staff to the IKODASS Chairman, joined Mr Erogbogbo in screening and interviewing applicants.

Erogbogbo, addressing about twenty applicants during the job interview, said that IKODASS is concerned about the high rate of youth unemployment, thus, the need for the opening of the data bank to provide opportunities for teeming youths in Ikorodu.
“You are here today because you want to find something to engage yourself with and earn a living, which is the reason we have opened the IKODASS Employment Data Bank and you are the very first set that would be invited for interview and job placement”, Mr Erogbogbo said.
“Ours is to use our good standing and reputations for you in securing jobs, but you need to show dedication and commitment to keep the job”.
The IKODASS Chairman, who said that those engaging in small scale businesses and artisans are the ones keeping the economy running, added that anyone not doing anything is wasting his life.
“The only time that I know that you are wasting your life is when you are not doing anything”, he charged the applicants.

He told THE IMPACT that plans are ongoing to open a career training portal on the Employment Data Bank because, according to him, there are some of the applicants with certain skills but does not know about them.
”We are also planning to open a career training portal on the IKODASS Employment Data Bank because we have been able to identify about four of the applicants that jobs are already waiting for aside the particular one that they came for. They just needed to be guided to know where they are to focus their strength and energy on”, Erogbogbo said.
“Our idea is to bring jobs to people and at the same time, take them to the jobs”, he added.
Representative of S Lloyd, Mr Olumide Adegbesan, also speaking, said that the purpose of the interview is to get those that are serious and really willing to work.
Screening and interview of more applicants continue on Thursday and Saturday, while the 30 shortlisted names will commence work on April first.