By Nurudeen Oshinlaja

As momentum gathers pace in respect of the contest for Ikorodu constituency II assembly seat (2023-2027), there is need for many to put their skin in the game. It is not in anyone interest if we kept quiet. As aspirants and their supporters are talking, focus should be placed on deliverables because the constituents deserve to have a representative who can best serve them. The people need a representative who can notch the all-important trifecta.
I present to you an aspirant, HOA, who we all can bet on for service. He is in the hearts of the majority. Many love him because he is unassuming; he is unapologetic about service to the people. He honours and serves public and traditional institutions, and elders and leaders unreservedly. He holds all persons in esteem as well.
With HOA as our representative, Ikorodu constituency II will achieve the all-important trifecta: 1. The constituency will face development with global perspectives; 2. The constituents will serve and be served; and 3. Our governance systems will be organized, enabled, supported and synergized.
Constituency Development with Global Perspectives. This is the first of the trifecta that we will achieve. Actions to drive the general well-being of the constituency will be propelled with global mindset. The constituency will be attended to using sustainable, global-standard ‘projectification’ ideas. Rather than knee-jerk approach, there will be regular application of bespoke models that address existing and potential developmental concerns so that the outlook of the constituency can be brightened.
HOA promises to passionately operate with the mindset of accelerating the development of our community using tested co-designed approach that will be sustained.

For example, a mentorship scheme that will operate both electronically and physically will be established. As can be imagined, this will rejig the orientation of the youth in all aspects and, because its robustness allows for upgrading, it will be easier to provide linking-up route for the much younger generation as they come through year in year out. The rationale is that as the majority of our youth becomes better socioeconomically, the constituency is better for it.
Based on current plans, the mentorship scheme can be coupled (wholly or partially) with youth development models of Lagos State and Federal governments. Indeed, any smaller scale schemes of similar ideology can be incorporated into the mentorship scheme for maximum benefits.
This is the time to supplant transactional public service with transformational one in our constituency. Public service should be less of you scratch my back, I scratch yours; but more of you scratch my back, I pass it forward.
In part II of this piece, the ideas of Serving with the People will be discussed as part of the trifecta. Kindly watch out.
You LeAP, I LeAP, We LeAP forward. HOA4HOA’23.
Nurudeen Oshinlaja
For LeAP