Wale Jagun

It was a solemn service as the congregation of The African Church Bethel Cathedral, Aga, Ikorodu, on Sunday (yesterday) remembered their parents and loved ones who had died.
The All Souls Day Thanksgiving Service is an annual event in the calendar of The African Church, when candles are lit and the clergy and members of the choir embark on procession within the Church auditorium in remembrance of late Church members.
At the service tagged, ‘Requiem for the Saints’, two notable families in the community – Ogunleye and Awojobi families also did special remembrance thanksgivings for their parents.
While the Ogunleye family remembered Madam Elizabeth Olakunbi Ogunleye 50 years after her demise, the Awojobis held a 20th remembrance for Yeye Oba Olayinka Agboola Awojobi.
The Rector of The African Church College of Theology, The Rt. Rev. Deleola Opeyemi, delivered the sermon at the service while Rev. Hezekiah A. Adetoro, Bishop, Lagos West Missionary Diocese, presided over the service.

Olola Olusegun O. B. Iuyombo, Chairman, Harvest Committee which is responsible for organizing the ceremony, said that the day was set aside to remember loved ones with thankfulness.
He charged that members of the congregation should show widows, orphans and the fatherless love and affections.
“We have come today as usual to remember with thankfulness those we have known and loved but who have rested in the Lord. We give thanks for all that they had meant to us. We pray for ourselves and all who mourn that they would be comforted”, Olola Iluyombo said in his speech.
“No doubt that this gathering will afford us the opportunity to meet people in their grief with a lot of pains in their hearts. God, our Father, appreciates that we look after orphans and widows in their distress; it is, therefore, a clarion call to show the weak, the fatherless and widows the passion with tender affection and care.
“It goes a long way if we share appropriate and meaningful material gifts with them.

“As we partake in this remembrance service with the tradition of lighting candles to kindle light in honour of our departed souls, it is important to be thoughtful of safety as we consider how the candles are to be lit and where they are to be placed”, he warned.
“We join hands with the Ogunleye and Awojobi families in the 50th and 20th Memorial Anniversary Thanksgiving of their Late Madam Elizabeth Olakunbi Ogunleye and Late Yeyeoba Olayinka Agboola Awojobi respectively”.
“May God continue to grant them safe lodging, a holy rest and peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen”.
Many family members and prominent guests attended the service.