His Eminence, Sheikh Yahya Olorunosebi Oshoala Ajagbemokeferi (As – Samadani), is the Chief Imam of Oriwu Central Mosque, Ikorodu Division.
He was a teacher, sports administrator and a community developer.
Oshoala, who leads a large congregation of Muslim faithful in Ikorodu and beyond, is well vast in Islamic knowledge.
He spoke with Kunle Adelabu, the Founder/Reporter – in – Chief, THE IMPACT Newspaper, at his Itunmoja home on the reopening of places of worship, readiness of his congregation to return to mosque, performances of local council in the last three years, impact of Oba Shotobi in the last five years and the controversial issue between the Oriwu Central Mosque and Ikorodu Central Mosque. Excerpts:
THE IMPACT: Few days back, the Lagos State Government announced and directed that religious centres should reopen. What is your view about this Sir?
Sheikh Oshoala: To me, it’s long overdue. Though, what the government is doing is,for the good of the community. They mean well for the well being and healthy living of residents. This notwithstanding, the Mosques and Churches shouldn’t have been the places to close first. After the total lockdown, the market and some other centres were reopened, while religious centres remained locked. Unfortunately, some people are just looking for what to eat as they were witch-hunting people all about. I was told time without number that security people came around to (Oriwu Central Mosque) to see whether we are abiding by the dictate of the government or not. As a law – abiding citizen and somebody who knows what law is and the position of the government, I will be the last person to flout the order of the Lagos State Government.
The reopening is coming too late. They should have done this a long time ago. The COVID-19 is a calamity from God and thanks Almighty Allah that we have been able to overcome it. The pandemic is also not devastating us as it is doing in other parts of the world like Asian, American and European countries. The reopening is long overdue.
THE IMPACT: Regarding the measures and protocols stipulated by the government for the reopening of worship centres, how prepared is Oriwu Central Mosque for the reopening? What have you put in place in line with the government‘s directive to safeguard the congregation?
Sheikh Oshoala: It is unfortunate that we learnt about the government’s directive regarding the reopening just yesterday (Tuesday, August 4) and I had to call the meeting of the executive council, Mosque’s chiefs, Chief Imams of Central Mosques all over the Ikorodu Division that are under Oriwu Central Mosque representing the League of lmams and Alfas in the Division. Also,I had meetings with Imam Ratibis, Alfas and those from the societies and the secretariat of the Mosque.
At the meeting, we were able to establish that the information regarding the reopening was true and direct from the government. The information iniatially appeared like a rumor to us when we first heard about it. We just tried to be careful with information on the social media platforms. We were able to verify that it is true that the government has asked us to reopen.
We also looked at the conditions for reopening one after the other, digested them and saw that the most difficult part of it is the age limit of who to attend mosque service. It would be very difficult for us to determine the ages of our members. There are some that look much young but are old in age and there are some that are young but look older. People don’t tell the truth about their ages in our country. Look at what the footballers do with their ages when they are about plying their trade abroad and as well as civil servants. I know why the government has stipulated the age – limit for attendance at worship centres but we don’t know how to determine that. However, what we concluded at is that we should make general announcement in various jurisdiction that government’s directive prevent anybody from 65 years and above to come to mosque for now and that it is for the people’s benefits. That is the only part of the directive that we don’t know how to control yet.
On the number of congregation, for Oriwu Central Mosque, we don’t have any problem. As large as our congregation is, we have been unable to occupy 1/3 of the space that we have in the mosque since we have started praying there. All that we need to do is to spread out to ensure that there is distance between congregants. We still have the upper floor which we have never occupied before; there is the underground space with very few people usually praying there; also the Ratibi section, which has not been fully occupied, is there for people to spread to. Even if many more join us, there is no way we can occupy 50% of the Mosque’s capacity because our space is very large and the situation has presented us the opportunity to use our capacity to the fullest.

We have purchased thermometers as directed and also sanitiser and hand washing equipment. We have also started sensitizing our people through the Ratibis (affiliated mosques) to give our members the necessary orientations and to ensure that they go by the dictate of the government.
We have also started fumigation of the Mosque and we are still going to be cleaning it regularly. So, we are very much ready.
THE IMPACT: How did Muslim cope with the inability to observe eid prayers during the last two most important annual festivals in the Islamic calendar due to the restriction occasioned by the COVID – 19 pandemic and what is the implications sir, if any?
Sheikh Oshoala: Alhamdulilahi. Islam is a religion of God which is well established. He has made provision for any condition that may arise. The Quran is a book for yesterday, today and tomorrow. There is nothing happening which must have not been recorded in the Holy Book. The prevention wasn’t surprising or impromptu to us, especially those who know what they are doing. The only thing you may say that is new is not going to the eid which could also be seen as not going to the Mosque. And there is nowhere in the world that Allah cannot hear your prayer. All He needs is just congregation for eid, jumat and daily prayers and congregation in Islam start from two people. Where we have two people, a congregation has been established. But when you are the only one, that is not a congregation, it’s just you alone. In each family, you will have at least two people and most cases three, four and more, and they can form a congregation. In my own case, I have a very large family. So, we didn’t miss anything. What surprised me most is the just concluded Ileya festival which was celebrated against all odds. People celebrated it as if they will never celebrate any other again. I did not believe that people would celebrate the last lleya with many rams and cows. I did not know where they got the money. We thank Almighty Allah to have let us witnessed the two festivals – Eid- Fitri and Eid-Kabir.
The restriction was for the good of the people and I want to continue to enjoin our people to continue to abide by the social distancing measure and other stipulations by the government.
The situation has also helped us in disseminating information more effectively. What we have been witnessing in the recent time makes it look as if we have not been disseminating Islamic information before. Since the outbreak of this COVID – 19 pandemic, you cannot go on the social media without seeing people delivering messages. In my own case, I started delivering messages every Friday during the lockdown. Messages revolve round why, who, the benefits, demerits of what we experienced during the lockdown. So, Alhamdulilahi, because as Muslims, we lost nothing during the period.

THE IMPACT: Alaiyeluwa Oba Kabir Shotobi celebrated five years on the throne of his ancestors on Sunday, August 2, 2020. How will you describe his reign in the last five years?
Sheikh Oshoala: The Oba’s name, ‘Abdul – Kabir’ means ‘Greatness’. It is one of the attributes of God and also one of the names of Allah. That is why anytime that we are praying in Islam, we always say “Allahu Akbar Kabir” (God is the Greatest). And so, that name, which was given to him when he was born, is manifesting in his life. It manifested when he became the Odofin of Ikorodu and now, it is manifesting in him as Ayangbure of Ikorodu. I congratulate him.
There’s no way that you will not find opposition in every situation. People will want to hate you and you cannot please everybody. But for me and for what is glaring to everybody, Oba Abdul – Kabir Shotobi has been a round peg in a round hole. He is an Oba per excellence for Ikorodu. Oba Salaudeen Oyefusi was an Oba among Obas and when he joined his ancestors , God gave us somebody who was with him and who had learnnt from him. Oba Shotobi is even taking us to a greater level. During his five years reign , many illustrious Ikorodu sons and daughters have accompanied him to the United States of America where he was honoured. He has equally brought to Ikorodu people from America to be honoured too. This has placed Ikorodu on the map of honour globally.
In the five years of his reign, he has built a big edifice as a palace extension. It is amazing that he built the gigantic edifice within three years of his reign and this has given Ikorodu another befitting look. Indeed, he is a pride. Also, look at the Oriwu Central Mosque that was completed during his reign. Though, the foundation and the construction of the Mosque was facilitated by the former Kabiyesi, Oba Salaudeen Oyefusi, but after his exit, Oba Shotobi came in and continued where the former Oba stopped and was going about to source for money for the completion of the Mosque. Look at the edifice today, is it not a pride of Ikorodu?
I am saying it with all pride and effrontery that Oriwu Central Mosque will be among the first five mosques when you are talking about Mosques in Lagos State and even in Yorubaland. Oba Shotobi did much in achieving this.
He has also been doing everything to rein in the miscreants and youths that are engaging in cultism in Ikorodu. I pray that he will continue to succeed in this regard.
In terms of development, Kabiyesi is doing well and today, among the Obas in Lagos State, my Oba stands out as a reputable Oba. My prayer for him is to live very long and continue to enjoy the guidance and protection of the Almighty Allah. For those who are against him, I want to advise that today he is the Oba and that we should join hands with him to ensure that he succeeds. Let us join hands with him. This is his time because God has chosen him like He has been chosen leaders for people. He is the one that chose Daud, Sulaimon and many others like that.

I learnt that his opponents are still in court, I appeal that they should withdraw their case from court because God has bestowed the crown on him (singing).
THE IMPACT: About two weeks ago, the present Chairmen at the helms of affairs in Local Government and Local Council Development Areas in Lagos State marked three years in office. What is your view about their performances, especially that of the Chairman of the Ikorodu Local Government?
Sheikh Oshoala: It is most unfortunate and I have to say it, that the state government has not allowed the councils to function as they should. The local governments in Nigeria are shouting, ‘I cannot breadth’ like the victim of police brutality in America. State governments should allow local governments to breadth. They want to do everything for them, whereas it should not be like that. They should be given free hand so that they don’t give room for us to blame the state for the councils’ lack of performance because there are still many things for them to do which they are not doing. When you talk to the council Chairmen, they always say that there is no money. The state governments usually collect their monies from the federal and give them little and spend remaining on there behalf which is wrong. I want the federal government to not only give allocations meant for the local governments directly to them but also put in place measures that would not allow the state government to in any way have access to there money.
Unfortunately, it is the state that organizes elections for the local government and that is where the problem lies. Federal government should be conducting such elections to prevent the state from doing whatever they like with the council system. While we are saying that the federal government should allow the state government to breadth, we are also asking the state too to allow local governments to breadth too.
For the Ikorodu local government, they have tried to some extent but there is much to do. All over, I want every administrator to behave like Alhaji Lateef Jakande when he was governor of Lagos State between 1979 and 1983. Within four years, he made his name by not leaving any quarter uncatered for. When you talk of schools, water supply, housing, drainage system, hospital and others, he touched everywhere. Whenever our administrators are executing their programmes, they should ensure that everywhere is touched. Everybody should have a taste of the development no matter how little it is. Why should an administrator be working to satisfy only an area and leav others untouched. For instance, we just started seeing the local government working after years of non-performance. I even learnt that the reconstruction of the Sabo road is being done by the state and not the local government. Whereas, the local government is the one that should be doing such projects. The councils have tried but I want to appeal that they should fear posterity (speaking Arabic) as every being shall become subject of history which people will talk about in terms of what they have been able to achieve and the negative impact that they made.
THE IMPACT: I cannot conclude this interview without asking you about the issue that was reported by our news medium and others regarding the statement of the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Kazeem Alogba, during the commissioning of the Oriwu Central Mosque last December which members of the Mosque have denied. What is actually the position of the Mosque on that issue?

Sheikh Oshoala: To me, the comment of the Chief Judge is very minor. Our elders say, ‘’Eni gbepo laja ko lole bi kin se eniti o gba a lowo e” (the real thief is the person that assisted another person to steal). I have no comment for what the Chief Judge said but for the media people that wrote and spread it like you (THE IMPACT), you did not handle it well. You, Oriwu Sun and others like that didn’t handle it well because there are more beautiful things that we want to report about that day like the beautiful Mosque, crowd, the personalities that came, glamour and the glory and others and not the trivial matter that somebody was not invited. We actually invited the person in question but we only deliberately did not want him to have any opportunity to talk. I must confess this because whenever we meet, his comment always disorganized our events. That’s why I have been trying to avoid him because I cannot allow him to continuously rubbish our efforts. It was our way of preventing him from not saying anything at the commissioning.
THE IMPACT: Sir, as journalists, we are bound to report such important personalities whenever they make public pronouncement and aside from the coverage that we gave the CJ’s comment, we, at THE IMPACT, also reported the glamour, beauty and personalities at the day the commissioning… (cuts in)
Sheikh Osshoala: But should not have reported it in the context of what the Chief Judge said but in another story. Human beings will only notice the black spot in your sparkling white attire and not the attire itself. Nobody saw your other comments (stories) because that mattered little to them. Those that shared the one that we are talking about are those that we referred to as sadists. The report satisfies their interest.
THE IMPACT: Thank you for your time sir.
Sheikh Oshoala: Thank you.
THE IMPACT’s story on the pre – commissioning event of the Oriwu Central Mosque, titled, “31 Years After, Sultan of Sokoto, Emir of Ilorin, Lagos Chief Imam, Others To Commission Oriwu Central Mosque” and the main story, titled, “Sultan of Sokoto, Lagos Governor, Others Commission Oriwu Central Mosque ” that were published, aside the story on the Chief Judge’s comments that was published separately on our online platforms, had since been shown to His Eminence Sheikh Oshoala and were also sent to him after the interview. Although, the revered Muslim leader said that he did not see the stories except the coverage of the CJ’s comment, he, nevertheless, thanked our reporter for the stories.