Kunle Adelabu

Few weeks after new Community Development Associations (CDAs) Executive Committees were constituted across Lagos State, the Millennium Housing CDA in Ibeshe axis of Igbogbo/Bayeku Local Council Development Area (LCDA) in Ikorodu Dvision, Lagos, Southwest, Nigeria, has commissioned its Secretariat.
The secretariat, which according to report, is the first step towards the implementation of a road map to developing the Estate by the Comrade Wasiu Tijani led executive, was commissioned by the Chairman of the Igbogbo/Bayeku LCDA, Builder (Comrade) Sesan Mayokun Daini, on Sunday, January 12, 2020.
The CDA Chairman stated that the acquisition of the secretariat, which was donated by Otunba Abayomi Aroweselu, has positioned the CDA to achieving greater things.
“I am most delighted to welcome you all to this auspicious ceremony, which is the unveiling of the plaque that marks the official opening of the Millennium Housing Estate CDA Secretariat and the commissioning of Otunba Abayomi Aroweselu Shopping Complex, for the good of all.
“I am humbled to say that the acquisition of Millennium Housing Estate CDA Secretariat has positioned our CDA as a pace setter and role model to all other newly inaugurated CDA executives in Lagos State. This is a feat we are most proud of yet, as it is coming barely 29days after the inauguration of the present MHECDA Executives”, Comrade Tijani stated.

He commended residents of the estate for their support in achieving the laudable project.
“I make bold to say that the greatness recorded by our community today is a joint and compassionate actions of our residents who contributed voluntarily in no small measures to the actualization of this lofty achievements.”
He commended the donor for donating the secretariat and others that made financial and other supports available towards putting the secretariat in place.
“Mention must be made of Otunba Abayomi Aroweselu who developed this space, which hitherto, was a breeding ground for various reptiles. He built this shopping complex to make life more meaningful for residents. Upon request by the executives, Otunba magnanimously donated shop 001 as secretariat to our CDA without any monetary compensation. We appreciate you, but we pray God Almighty appreciate you more”,,he stated appreciatively.
“Special recognition and thanks to all that contributed financially and materially towards the face-lift of our secretariat. Words alone cannot express my profound appreciation to members of the project team. You did a great job.

Comrade Tijani, in his speech, also solicited for the support of the Igbogbo/Bayeku LCDA through the Chairman, Comrade Daini, towards the completion of the Estate’s public toilet, streetlight as well as development of sports arena among others.
“Hon. Chairman Sir, as you officially commission this complex and our MHECDA Secretariat today, we solicit for a council intervention and support towards the completion of our public toilet, solar power street light, canopy for our estate field and donation of games for the use of our community.”
The Council Chairman, Comrade Daini, in his address at the commissioning, congratulated the CDA Chairman and his team for the feat achieved within a short period after their inauguration.
“I congratulate the CDA Chairman for this laudable achievement. I was in Jerusalem when the election was conducted few weeks back but I was on top of the situations across the council.
“The new Chairman used to be of my critic at times but I love his criticisms because it’s always constructive. With his emergence as CDA Chairman, l am assured of more of positive criticisms which will make me stronger.

“I also charge you to continue with what you know how to do best and not stop criticising me.
“I am here today despite the fact that today (Sunday) is the 10th remembrance anniversary of my father, but I have to respect the CDA Chairman who is part of my generation and other eminent personalities that are here today”, Daini stated.
“I want to support and celebrate people in my generation because some people supported me too to get to where I am today.
“I am happy being here to support my brother. I know that he won’t be at any place without an impact. As you all know, rarely can you see critic that can perform. I am impressed with his performance within a short period after his emergence”, he commended the CDA Chairman.
“I am impressed for his performance within a short period and you can always count on my support. I will not hesitate to assist where I can and pass to necessary authority where I do not have the capacity like the issue concerning waterworks within the estate .
“I will be meeting with the Commissioner on Housing and some of your requests will be tabled before him and I am sure that he will intervene as our council is hosting many state housing projects”, he assured residents of the estate.

While commending the donor of the secretariat, Daini said that the complex which was also commissioned will add value to the community.
The council chairman, who stated that he is enjoying the mandate of the people in the local council, also added that the CDA will be considered in the 2020 budget that the council is working on.
“The CDA will also be considered in the 2020 Budget of the council.”
He charged the new CDA Chairman to ensure that he carries his opponents in the election along in his dealings if he is to be successful while also calling on the residents to give him maximum support.
Comrade Bosun Odeyemi, a member of the CDA’s think-tank, while speaking with THE IMPACT, revealed plans of the present CDA administration in the Estate to reposition and develop the estate.
“The roadmap to the community development was developed about two years ago and was driven by what we are seeing in our environment. We discovered the deficiencies in our community and set out to correct them ssince the concept of Community Development Association (CDA)is to ensure development.
“This administration is development driven and ready to implement the development roadmap and make the estate a place worthy of living for all.”
He stated that the commissioning of the secretariat is the first step towards the full implementation of roadmap for the CDA’s development.
“Until today, the CDA for the past 11 years do not have a conducive place to meet, engage themselves and brainstorm. The secretariat which we are commissioning today is the first step towards achieving the roadmap to development”, he revealed.

Comrade Bosun also stated that the CDA will be working towards developmental efforts by maximally utilize spaces allocated for social and infrastructural developments of the estate.
“The second step is that we have realized that Lagos State Government has provided a lot of spaces for development. There is provision for shopping complex, school, police post, primary health centre, Church and Mosque and free green zones. They are still very much intact. For this administration, it’s all about development and maximally utilizing and developing these spaces. That is our vision for this community and before the end of this year, we are going to be inviting you again to see how far we have gone in term of developments”, he stated.
“Our street lights have not been working for past years and it’s always very dark at night. What we are planning to do is to power the Estate fully via solar system with the help of the Chairman of Igbogbo/Bayeku Local Council Development Area who has pledged his support”.
While commending residents of the estate for their support for the CDA executives, Bosun also condemned the operations of agents he called scavengers.
“The residents are in support of the administration’s vision and they want development.
“What the CDA is doing is to accredit the agents and levy the owners of those abandoned and unoccupied buildings. We hope that this will make them reconsider their exorbitant rent and lower their rent to allow for those interested in living in the estate to come in. The more we have, the better for us to have developments” , he stated while revealing the CDA’s plans to curtail the excesses of the agents.

Otunba Abayomi, speaking with THE IMPACT, stated that his decision to redevelop the property into complex and donate secretariat to the CDA was informed by selfless service to the community.
“It was my decision to contribute my own quota to the development of my community”, he stated.
“I am happy that the government granted my request to allow me contribute my own quota to the development of this community.
“I always tell people in this community that we don’t have to wait on government for everything”.